Kenapa la..

Kenapa la time gini duk teringat macam mana first time kenal dia...
Kenapa la time gini duk teringat ucapan dia masa first time tau siapa dia...
Kenapa la time gini duk terfikir entah siapa kita pada dia...
Kenapa la time gini duk cakap dekat dia yang entah apa-apa..
Kenapa la time gini duk fikir kenapa...

Stop Aishah! Find out some solutions n conclusions for your ' kenapa la'.
Let everything back to Allah.
Let just wait for dia to make the step.
Let go everything and stick with the only One that never ever will let you down.
Let's proceed with your life by following Quran and Sunnah.
Let Allah do Allah's job. You just need to obey with His rules.

OK Aishah!
Aishah, jika dia untukmu. Allah tetap jaga dia untukmu ok.
Aishah, jika dia bukan untukmu, Allah will replace with somoene equal or better than dia ok.
Aishah, awak just need to be the best among the best ok.
Aishah, awak kena berubah ke arah kebaikan ok.
Aishah, fullstop and keep pray to Allah about everything ok.

Ok Aishah.